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Monday, July 29, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Agility Workout 1
Equipment Used:
Tip: Be creative! This workout utilizes a lot of equipment but a determined mind can find several ways to make do w/ household substitutions. Several are suggested in the exercise descriptions. |
Agility Workout 1 |
SUMMARY ***Stretch/Warmup
Agility Workout 1 |
The ability to start, stop and change direction is the definition of agility. This workout was designed to help increase both raw speed and agility via several high & low impact exercises. Traditional weight workouts may grant you power but what use is that strength without coordination or function? If you participate in almost any sporting activity, some form of agility is usually required for you to be able to excel. An additional benefit to this style of workout is that it is a form of cardio. Instead of mindlessly running on a treadmill, you can perform a series of plyometric exercises, achieve a greater caloric burn and have fun at the same time. The primary drawback to this workout is that is does require specialized equipment. This equipment is readily available at any sporting goods store & can be used in other workouts as well. If you can't get ahold of the outlined accessories, get creative and improvise. The Cones & hurdles can be replaced w/ any type of marker (i.e. shoes, med balls, coolers, etc). Instead of an agility ladder, you can use twine, shoelaces or just spray-paint/chalk your chosen surface. If you lack a waist harness, tie a rope to your weight & simply use your hands to anchor it as you exercise. You can place your hands on the ground or any slightly raised surface as opposed to a Bosu ball. A parachute is not necessary. If you do have a harness setup, sprint dragging a tire. As for the sled, that is a hard one to replace. A cart/wagon filled with weight would work as a substitute however. Once you have figured out the equipment setup, lay out each "station" w/ enough room in between to safely exercise. You can use a timer and perform each station for a set time period (i.e. 30-60 seconds). An alternate method would be to run through each station continuously & rest at the end. Wait a couple minutes and then repeat. Video examples are linked below. These are all new exercises so take time to review them and practice your form before hitting the workout. Good luck! |
Examples |
1A - Ladder Push-Ups Video Example Begin in a push-up position at one end of the agility ladder. Perform a push-up and return to the starting position. Move your leading hand and foot over to the next rung of the ladder, followed by the lagging hand/food. Perform the exercise on your knees if you need to. Repeat push-up exercise. For an advanced version, lower into push-up position and push your entire body up and over to the next rung. Repeat until you reach the end of the ladder. 1B - In/Out Hand Shuffle Video Example Position your body with one hand and one foot on either side of the agility ladder starting in push-up position. Move one hand at a time into the rung of the ladder. Return to starting position by moving one hand at a time back to the outsides of the ladder. Try to move as quickly as possible while performing this exercise. |
2A - Ladder In In Out Out Video Example Start at one end of the agility ladder. Moving as quickly as possible, put both feet into the first rung of the ladder, one at a time. Then move them one at a time to the outside of the rung. From the outside of the rung, move your feet one at a time into the next rung of the ladder and repeat. Once at the end of the ladder, without turning around, perform the same pattern moving backwards toward your starting position. 2B - Ladder High Knees Video Example Start at one end of the agility ladder. Bring each knee into your chest (at least to waist height), making sure to step into each rung of the ladder as you move toward the other end. Perform this exercise as quickly as possible. |
3A - Tire Backwards Run Video Example With a tire (or other weighted object) tied around you waist using a stability belt, start with legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent facing toward the tire. Run backwards from one marker to another (distance can vary) as quickly as possible while keeping your balance. 3B - Tire Lateral Side Steps Video Example With a tire (or other weighted object) tied around you waste using a stability belt, start with legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent facing sideways. Shuffle laterally from one marker to another (distance can vary). To increase the difficulty of this exercise, move in a Grapevine motion, crossing one leg in front of the other and alternating as you move along. |
4 - Three Cone L Drill Video Example Setup three cones in a "L" formation. Evenly spaced, about 5 yards apart. Start a cone that is not in the "elbow" of the "L". Sprint to the middle cone, touch the ground & then run back to the start cone. Once you reach the start cone, pivot and then run back to your middle cone. This time cut around the cone & head towards the last cone. Be sure to cut toward the inside direction of the last cone. Run around the last cone & head back to the middle cone. Run around the outside of the middle cone & power back to the start cone. |
5 - Suicides Video Example Place at least three cones in a straight line equidistant from each other (at least 10 feet apart). Begin by sprinting to the first cone and returning to the starting position. Next, sprint to the second cone and return to the starting position, followed by the third. |
6 - Centipede Push-Ups (Walkouts) Video Example Begin in standing position with feet together. Reach down toward your toes (it's ok if you're not able to reach your toes) and place your hands on the ground in front of you. Walking one hand out at a time, extend into push-up position. Perform one push-up, and then begin walking one foot at at time into your body until you have returned to starting position. Stand up straight and repeat. |
7 - Crab Walk (w/ Sit Ups) Video Example Place four cones in a square approximately 15 feet apart (distance may vary based on difficulty). Beginning at one corner, sit on the ground with legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart and both arms placed behind your butt. Lift your pelvis off the ground, placing your weight on your hands and heals. Walk backwards on all fours to the second cone in the square, then proceed sideways to the third cone. From the third cone walk forward back to starting position. Perform 10-15 situps (vary based on level of difficulty). Repeat. |
8 - Alternating Knee Planks (Side Crunch) Video Example With the flat side of the Bosu ball facing up, place one hand on each side with your legs stretched behind you in plank position. Bring your right knee into the left side of your chest, twisting at the waist, and return to starting position. Repeat the motion with your left knee to the right side of your chest. For a more difficult version, bring your knee in and extend it outward under your body. |
9 - Mini Hurdle Lateral Two Steps Video Example Beginning at one end of the mini hurdles, step over the first hurdle one foot at a time placing both feet in between the first two hurdles. Repeat as you travel down the line of hurdles. Run back to the beginning and repeat as quickly as possible. |
10 - Parachute Sprints Video Example Perform sprints, or runs of various lengths depending on level of difficulty with speed chute attached at the waist. |
11 - Sled Push/Pull Video Example Keeping knees and elbows bent, push the sled to a preset "finish line." Turn the sled around and pull it in reverse position back to the start. |
Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!! |
agility ladder,
cone drills,
crab walk,
High Knees,
tire drag,
Workout: Deerpark Circuit 3
Equipment Used:
Tip: Keep the intensity up! |
Circuit #3 |
SUMMARY ***Stretch/Warmup
Circuit #3 - Hope Solo Workout |
This circuit is based on Hope Solo's "15 minute workout". All of the exercises are demonstrated via Nike athletes. The workout is designed to be intense and executed in bursts of activity. If done correctly, you should be dripping with sweat and be able to maintain an increased heart rate. The exercises touch on all muscle groups so you should feel it everywhere once done. If using a timer, try to clear out an area sufficient enough to be able to perform every exercise. Have your equipment (dumbbells/med ball) readily available within arms reach. Set the timer to anywhere between 15-30 seconds and roll through each exercise. Once done, rest and hydrate for a few minutes and then repeat the round. You can decrease the timer time each round if needed. Try to see how many "rounds" you can complete before becoming completely gassed. *** If not using a timer, you can perform a traditional workout by assigning a rep/set amount to each exercise. The exercises used here vary as far as the equipment needs. Dumbbells are used in some, while others only require bodyweight. Examine the example videos and use your best judgement to decide what is needed for your own individual needs. A medicine ball is not required but works better for a few exercises. If possible, having various weights of dumbbells will help you maintain a maximum amount of effort each round. A great portion of these exercises have not been used here before. Video examples are linked below so take time to review them and practice your form before hitting the workout. Good luck! |
Examples |
Toe Taps: Click For Video Example Tricep Push-Up into Frogger: Click For Video Example Full Extensions: Click For Video Example Sumo Squat Press: Click For Video Example Cleans: Click For Video Example Opposite Arm & Leg V-Up: Click For Video Example Side Lunge: Click For Video Example Push Up to Plank Row (Man-makers): Click For Video Example Rollbacks: Click For Video Example Side Crunch to Burpee: Click For Video Example |
Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!! |
Friday, June 28, 2013
Workout: Design
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Designing WorkoutsIf you are brand new to working out, I suggest finding a knowledgeable friend or enlist a trainer to "show you the ropes". It's important to start slow and take your time to learn various exercises and proper form. Once you are comfortable with your gym and the equipment available, you can progress on to customizing your own workouts. When creating your own workout routines there are several things to consider.Goal You need to have an overall goal that you are shooting for and train accordingly to help achieve that goal. No one style of training is superior to another but there are types of workouts that are better suited towards specific goals. Your goal does not have to be specific however. "To keep in shape" is as good a goal as something like "lose 10 lbs". Goals can also change over time. As your goals change, be sure to step back and examine your current training routine. Make adjustments as needed to suit your new goal. Time Working out takes time! Due to work, family, school or a number of other reasons, you may not have as much free time to workout. Be realistic about how much actual time you will devote to your routine. Do not set yourself up for failure by creating a 6 day routine that you don't have time to complete. Figure out how many days you can actually make it to the gym and design your routine around that schedule. If possible, make your routine flexible enough to handle unexpected life events interrupting your schedule. Treat the gym as an important meeting, make it a priority! Also remember that the more time you put in, the better your results will be. Capability Take into account your age, current health and any existing injuries or limitations when creating a workout. Use this as a guide to setup the appropriate amount of rest days between workouts. Also avoid any exercises that may aggravate nagging injuries. Look for stretches and physical therapy exercises you can do to bolster or strengthen your weak areas. You may have naturally stronger or weaker muscle groups. For weaker groups, be sure to add in some extra sets/reps to get them caught up. Do not completely ignore your strong areas but try to use compound exercises to strengthen the surrounding, supporting muscles to that group simultaneously. As you grow stronger, you can decrease the amount of rest between workouts and also in between sets. Constantly test your ability and "push the envelope" if you want to continue to see growth. Body Type Everyone is different and therefore may respond differently to training. There are three basic bodybuilding types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph & Endomorph. (Read Here) It's important to figure out which one you lean toward and train to suit your frame. This will also affect how much cardio you need and your dietary habits. Inspiration Once you figure out your body type, it may be helpful to find a person who represents your goal. Ensure that this person is of a similar body type so you can maintain a realistic expectation. Study your chosen person and try to emulate their training and dietary methods. If your goal role model is a professional bodybuilder/model/etc, do not attempt to use their exact routine right off the bat. Pros usually have years of experience working out and often have extreme discipline when it comes to supplements and diet. A person off the street may not be able to deal with a strenuous routine. What you can do is take pieces of their routine and apply it to your own workout as needed. I like going to Cut And Jacked and browsing their listing of workouts from pros. I take bits and pieces from there to form my own routines. It is also useful for switching up your workouts from time to time so your body keeps guessing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Split vs Full BodyThere are two basic types of workout routines: Full Body and Split. Depending on your goals and the time you have available to workout, one may be better than the other. Again, no one method is "better" than another. It's all about finding out what works best for your body and your schedule.Split Split workouts break the body into individual muscle groups that are trained during different workout sessions. It's up to you how far you want to break down the groups. In the next section we will give some examples of different splits. This style is best for "molding" your body as you can focus on specific areas. It also is the best for building muscle as you can devote an entire session to exhausting a muscle group. This style is not best for burning calories as it's usually doesn't include rapid movements. Skipping a workout also means that a particular muscle group gets ignored during a week. This usually must be made up and shouldn't happen often. If you want to build muscle and have ample time to devote individual areas, use this style of training. Full Body Full body workouts encompass the entire body as one big muscle group. You do several exercises for both upper and lower body during one session. The good thing about this type of workout is that if you happen to skip a day, you are not leaving out a muscle group like you would with Split training. If you are just starting out or only have time to workout intermittently, this is a good way to go. It also is great for folks who are focused on cardio or running events. By keeping the intensity up and decreasing the amount of rest between sets, you can maximize calories burned and burn a lot of fat. This makes it ideal for those trying to lose weight. If you are into building specific muscle groups or bodybuilding in general, you should stick to split training. There are pros who have made tremendous progress doing variable full body workouts but for the average person, there is a big risk of injury and overtraining. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Example Workouts
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Lift Safe & Lift Heavy!!! |
Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 14
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Equipment Used:
Circuit #14 |
SUMMARY ***Stretch/Warm-up
Circuit #14 - Med Ball Madness |
This circuit was created to foster teamwork and camaraderie among our workout group by focusing on partner exercises. Using a minimal amount of equipment, we utilize a partner to create additional resistance. If you lack a partner or have odd numbers in your group, the exercises can be modified for solo performance as well. When choosing partners try to match people who are of similar weight and/or physical ability. While performing exercises, communicate with your partner to coordinate each movement. Use good form and encourage one another to give it 100% during the circuit. Certain exercises may require a slightly longer set to get enough work for both partners. Somewhere between 30 seconds to a minute for most. If you can, bring several different types of resistance bands and medicine balls. You could also use a sandbag or large diameter medicine ball (wall ball) for a couple exercises. Use your imagination and make replacements as needed. You will need a good amount of space to perform the exercises so clear out ample room. All of these exercises are just variations of familiar exercises. Descriptions and video examples are linked below so take time to review them and practice your form before hitting the workout. Good luck! |
Examples |
1 - Squat Throw/Press Video Example Stand with feet shoulder width apart holding a medicine ball w/ both hands. Perform a traditional squat. When returning to standing start position, toss the medicine ball above your head. Catch the ball as you return to a lowered position for your next rep. Optional: If the ball is too heavy or you become tired, just press the ball instead of throwing/tossing it. If that's still too much, skip the throw/press altogether and just squat. |
2 - Double Crunches Video Example Lie flat on the ground w/ a medicine ball. Hold the ball w/ both hands and extend your arms behind your head so that the ball rests on the ground. Bend at the knees so that your legs are raised off the ground and are at a 90 degree angle. Feet are together. This is the start position. Raise your torso, arms and the medicine ball up. Move your torso toward your legs while swinging the medicine ball over your head and resting it on your raised shins. Now lower your torso and and swing your arms back to the start position. As you do this, leave the medicine ball on your shins and extend your legs outward. They should go from being at a 90 degree angle to flat, all while cradling the medicine ball. Once relatively flat, contract to the raised position in the same manner as before but instead grab the medicine ball from your raised legs and hold it in your hands as you flatten out. Repeat this process as your perform reps. |
3 - One Arm Front Raise Video Example Hold your arm straight out in front of you with the medicine ball in your palm. Lower your arm down as far as you can while keeping the medicine ball steady. Press up and return to starting position. Optional: If the ball is too heavy or you become tired, use both arms/hands. |
4 - Superman Video Example Lay on your stomach with legs and arms outstretched. Hold the medicine ball in your hands and lift your arms and legs off the ground at the same time. Hold for three seconds and return to starting position. Optional: If the ball is too heavy or you become tired, perform reps w/out the ball. |
5 - Walking Lunge Twist Video Example Perform traditional lunges with medicine ball in hand. While lunging forward, start to twist your torso toward the same side as your leading leg. As you rise from the lunge, return to your torso to the center and begin the next rep with the alternate foot. Optional: Some people bring both feet together in between alternating feet. It gives you a chance to re-center and get your balance back. Others go straight into the next lunge after rising from the previous rep. Do what feels best for you. |
6 - Russian Twist Video Example Sit in a contracted crunch position with a medicine ball in hand. Hold the ball w/ both hands centered in front of your chest. Your legs should be bent at the knee and your body should make a "V" shape w/ your thighs and torso. Bodyweight should be balancing on your butt. Twist from side to side, lightly touching the medicine ball to the ground if possible. Optional: Some people perform this on a raised surface w/ their legs hanging in the air. |
7 - Overhead Tri Extension Video Example Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the medicine ball overhead with arms stretched out directly above you. Bend your arms at the elbow while keeping your shoulders steady. This should place the ball behind your head. Extend the arms back to outstretched position. Optional: You can either have your hands under the ball or on the sides of the ball. |
8 - Push-Up Roll Video Examples While in push-up position, place the medicine ball under one of your hands. The other hand will remain pressed against the ground. Perform the push-up motion and when back in starting position, take your raised hand off the medicine ball and place it on the ground. Roll the ball over to your opposite hand and place it on top of the medicine ball. Perform another push-up. Keep alternating hands to perform reps. Optional: A more advanced version is to release the medicine ball at the peak of your "up" position and roll it toward your other hand. While doing this, raise your opposite hand in anticipation of the ball arriving and land that hand on top of it. Keep alternating like this in rhythm. Optional: An easier method is to simply perform half your reps on one arm first and then switch over to your other arm. |
9 - Wall Sit Squeeze Video Examples Standard wall sit exercise but squeeze a medicine ball between your knees. Optional: If this is too difficult and no lighter medicine balls are available, just hold the medicine ball in your hands above your head. |
10 - Overhead Side Bend Video Examples Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the medicine ball overhead with arms outstretched. Keeping arms straight, bend to your right side as far as is comfortable. Return to starting position and repeat on the left side. |
11 - One Arm Shoulder Press Video Examples Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the medicine ball in your hand at a 90 degree angle (this will leave the ball close to the side of your head). Press the ball up until your arm is straight over head. Switch arms and repeat. Optional: You can performs several reps w/ one arm and switch to the other to finish. |
12 - Burpee Ball Video Examples Holding the medicine ball with both hands. Jump up lifting the ball overhead. Proceed directly to push-up position with the ball under your hands as you stretch your feet out behind you. Bring your feet back to your chest and return to standing position. Repeat. Optional: As with any burpee, you can optionally skip the jump and/or the actual push-up if you become tired or need an easier version. Optional: A more advanced version can include a chest pass instead of a jump up if there is a wall surface available. |
Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!! |
Nutrition: Paleo Pancakes
Egg Whites,
Gluten Free,
Low Carb,
Meal Prep,
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Easy Spicy Salmon
What You Will Need:
You can pretty much put any type of seasonings you want. For
this case I wanted to do a Spicy Salmon
Salmon Fillets
Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy
Red Chili Flakes
**Vegetables for your side
Make It:
Season your salmon to taste on both sides, slice the lemons
thin and place them on top of the salmon. Place the salmon in the oven and cook
to your preference.
I like this recipe because it’s really easy and you’ll have
enough for leftovers for your meal prep. This is good for those wanting to get
started with easy meal prep. For a few tips read HERE.
Feel free to play with the ingredients and make it your own
Submitted by Miles
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