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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Agility Workout 1

Equipment Used:
  • Agility Ladder
  • At least 10 Cones
  • Mini Hurdles (or use more cones)
  • Waist Harness w/ attachable weight (i.e. tire/plate)
  • Parachute
  • Bosu Ball
  • Prowler/Sled
  • Timer (watch/phone/etc)
Tip: Be creative! This workout utilizes a lot of equipment but a determined mind can find several ways to make do w/ household substitutions. Several are suggested in the exercise descriptions.

Agility Workout 1

  1. Ladder: Push-Ups or In/Out Hand Shuffle
  2. Ladder: 2in/2out Steps into High Knee Runthrough
  3. Tire: Backwards Run into Lateral Side Steps
  4. Cones: L drill
  5. Cones: Suicides
  6. Centipede Push-Ups (Walkouts)
  7. Cones: Crab Walk (w/ Sit Ups)
  8. Bosu: Alternating Knee Planks (Side Crunch)
  9. Hurdles: Lateral Two Steps
  10. Chute: Sprints
  11. Sled: Push/Pull

Agility Workout 1

The ability to start, stop and change direction is the definition of agility. This workout was designed to help increase both raw speed and agility via several high & low impact exercises. Traditional weight workouts may grant you power but what use is that strength without coordination or function? If you participate in almost any sporting activity, some form of agility is usually required for you to be able to excel. An additional benefit to this style of workout is that it is a form of cardio. Instead of mindlessly running on a treadmill, you can perform a series of plyometric exercises, achieve a greater caloric burn and have fun at the same time.

The primary drawback to this workout is that is does require specialized equipment. This equipment is readily available at any sporting goods store & can be used in other workouts as well. If you can't get ahold of the outlined accessories, get creative and improvise. The Cones & hurdles can be replaced w/ any type of marker (i.e. shoes, med balls, coolers, etc). Instead of an agility ladder, you can use twine, shoelaces or just spray-paint/chalk your chosen surface. If you lack a waist harness, tie a rope to your weight & simply use your hands to anchor it as you exercise. You can place your hands on the ground or any slightly raised surface as opposed to a Bosu ball. A parachute is not necessary. If you do have a harness setup, sprint dragging a tire. As for the sled, that is a hard one to replace. A cart/wagon filled with weight would work as a substitute however.

Once you have figured out the equipment setup, lay out each "station" w/ enough room in between to safely exercise. You can use a timer and perform each station for a set time period (i.e. 30-60 seconds). An alternate method would be to run through each station continuously & rest at the end. Wait a couple minutes and then repeat.

Video examples are linked below. These are all new exercises so take time to review them and practice your form before hitting the workout. Good luck!


1A - Ladder Push-Ups 
Video Example
Begin in a push-up position at one end of the agility ladder. Perform a push-up and return to the starting position. Move your leading hand and foot over to the next rung of the ladder, followed by the lagging hand/food. Perform the exercise on your knees if you need to. Repeat push-up exercise. For an advanced version, lower into push-up position and push your entire body up and over to the next rung. Repeat until you reach the end of the ladder.
1B - In/Out Hand Shuffle 
Video Example
Position your body with one hand and one foot on either side of the agility ladder starting in push-up position. Move one hand at a time into the rung of the ladder. Return to starting position by moving one hand at a time back to the outsides of the ladder. Try to move as quickly as possible while performing this exercise. 
2A - Ladder In In Out Out 
Video Example
Start at one end of the agility ladder. Moving as quickly as possible, put both feet into the first rung of the ladder, one at a time. Then move them one at a time to the outside of the rung. From the outside of the rung, move your feet one at a time into the next rung of the ladder and repeat. Once at the end of the ladder, without turning around, perform the same pattern moving backwards toward your starting position.
2B - Ladder High Knees 
Video Example
Start at one end of the agility ladder. Bring each knee into your chest (at least to waist height), making sure to step into each rung of the ladder as you move toward the other end. Perform this exercise as quickly as possible.
3A - Tire Backwards Run 
Video Example
With a tire (or other weighted object) tied around you waist using a stability belt, start with legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent facing toward the tire. Run backwards from one marker to another (distance can vary) as quickly as possible while keeping your balance.
3B - Tire Lateral Side Steps 
Video Example
With a tire (or other weighted object) tied around you waste using a stability belt, start with legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent facing sideways. Shuffle laterally from one marker to another (distance can vary). To increase the difficulty of this exercise, move in a Grapevine motion, crossing one leg in front of the other and alternating as you move along.
4 - Three Cone L Drill 
Video Example
Setup three cones in a "L" formation. Evenly spaced, about 5 yards apart. Start a cone that is not in the "elbow" of the "L". Sprint to the middle cone, touch the ground & then run back to the start cone. Once you reach the start cone, pivot and then run back to your middle cone. This time cut around the cone & head towards the last cone. Be sure to cut toward the inside direction of the last cone. Run around the last cone & head back to the middle cone. Run around the outside of the middle cone & power back to the start cone.
5 - Suicides 
Video Example
Place at least three cones in a straight line equidistant from each other (at least 10 feet apart). Begin by sprinting to the first cone and returning to the starting position. Next, sprint to the second cone and return to the starting position, followed by the third.
6 - Centipede Push-Ups (Walkouts) 
Video Example
Begin in standing position with feet together. Reach down toward your toes (it's ok if you're not able to reach your toes) and place your hands on the ground in front of you. Walking one hand out at a time, extend into push-up position. Perform one push-up, and then begin walking one foot at at time into your body until you have returned to starting position. Stand up straight and repeat. 
7 - Crab Walk (w/ Sit Ups) 
Video Example
Place four cones in a square approximately 15 feet apart (distance may vary based on difficulty). Beginning at one corner, sit on the ground with legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart and both arms placed behind your butt. Lift your pelvis off the ground, placing your weight on your hands and heals. Walk backwards on all fours to the second cone in the square, then proceed sideways to the third cone. From the third cone walk forward back to starting position. Perform 10-15 situps (vary based on level of difficulty). Repeat.
8 - Alternating Knee Planks (Side Crunch) 
Video Example
With the flat side of the Bosu ball facing up, place one hand on each side with your legs stretched behind you in plank position. Bring your right knee into the left side of your chest, twisting at the waist, and return to starting position. Repeat the motion with your left knee to the right side of your chest. For a more difficult version, bring your knee in and extend it outward under your body.
9 - Mini Hurdle Lateral Two Steps 
Video Example
Beginning at one end of the mini hurdles, step over the first hurdle one foot at a time placing both feet in between the first two hurdles. Repeat as you travel down the line of hurdles. Run back to the beginning and repeat as quickly as possible.
10 - Parachute Sprints 
Video Example
Perform sprints, or runs of various lengths depending on level of difficulty with speed chute attached at the waist.
11 - Sled Push/Pull 
Video Example
Keeping knees and elbows bent, push the sled to a preset "finish line." Turn the sled around and pull it in reverse position back to the start. 
Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

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