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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nutrition: Calories and Macros


I don't usually track my nutrition year-round but when "cutting" (or trying to drop weight in general), it is by far the most effective way to manage your diet. The are many methods out there to calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) which is basically just a minimum amount of calories your body needs to run. Too many factors go into each method to discuss at length but the system I use is just "guess-timate" at my daily calorie requirements. The way I confirm my estimates are by tracking my nutrition for a couple weeks and seeing how my weight fluctuates. If your weight falls, then you are burning more than you ingested (deficit). If you make gains, then you are in a calorie excess.

Cals Per Pound
Base calorie per weight calculation.
12-14 kcal/pound - Healthy adult w/ little extra activity
14-16 kcal/pound - Healthy adult w/ moderate activity
16-18 kcal/pound - Healthy adult w/ high activity
18+ kcal/pound - Athlete level

Activity Modifier
Activity outside of your workouts.
x1.2 - Sedentary, no exercise
x1.3-1.4 = Lightly Active, light exercise
x1.5-1.6 = Moderately Active, regular exercise (3-5 days/week)
x1.7-1.8 = Very active, demanding daily routine
x1.9-2.2 = Athlete level

Weight Direction
*** To GAIN weight (bulk): Add 10-20% calories to your total
*** To LOSE weight (cut): Subtract 10-20% calories from your total

My Maintenance Calculation
My weight average is 195lbs. I workout 4-6 days a week (moderate activity). I'm employed as a web developer who sits at a desk all day (sedentary job).
BASE CALC: 14-16kcal x 195lbs = 2730-3120 calories
MODIFIER CALC: 2730-3120 x 1.2 = 3276-3744 calories
Use your judgement to take into account other factors that may modify your calorie estimate (i.e. age, current health, body fat%, etc). As for myself, i'm in my thirties but I still have a somewhat high metabolism so I use a middle ground estimate on my calorie count of 3500cals. Thats about the total amount of calories it takes to maintain my current weight.

I generally like just maintaining a healthy, lean weight year-round but the past two winters I did "bulk" on purpose to make some quick size gains. I still ate clean a majority of the time but I didn't allow myself to get hungry at all. I was eating 7-8 meals a day. I calculated my calories for a typical day and it would regularly exceed 4.1k calories. Eating like this during the winter, I put on about 10 lbs of size (peaking at 197lbs). This made sense because I was eating well over my maintenance calorie count. I also cut out cardio during this time. Unfortunately some slop came along with that size too.

Since it's summer now and time for the pool, I figured I would try to drop weight as best I can while trying to maintain a little size. I'm at a higher weight and accustomed to eating everything in sight. My first action was to try and break that habit & space out my meals. Moving from about 8 meals a day down to 5-6 meals. I also had to modify the type of nutrition I was consuming. I was eating clean while bulking but I was ingesting a lot of carbs. While dropping weight, I am more carb conscious and tend to go low (or no) carbs from my later meals. I eat a majority of my carbs pre and post workout. And I also aim at a lower overall calorie count of course.

My Cutting Calculation
I use a median between 10-20% for losing weight to allow myself some wiggle room.
3500 (total) x 15% (cut percent) = 525 calories
3500 - 525 = 2975 calories
So for now my target total calories are 3k cals. For my off days (sat/sun) I ingest 90% of my training target (~2.7k).
I generally use a standard of 0.8-1.5 grams of protein per pound. To gain muscle, you want to ingest at least 1g/lb or higher.
MY PROTEIN CALC (standard based): 195lbs x 0.8-1.5g/lb = 156-292g protein
There is also an alternate standard of using a percentage of your total calorie goal to figure out protein. Somewhere between 15-30% of your total calories should be protein. 1g of protein is 4 cals so divide the percentage by four.
MY PROTEIN CALC (percentage based): (3200 x 15-30%) / 4 = 120-240g protein
I personally aim for about 255g protein per training day (about 1.3g/lb) and try to make sure to eat my current body weight at the very least.

I use a standard of 0.4-1.0 grams of fat per pound. While most people try to avoid fat at all costs, your body does need fat to survive. You just don't want an excess of it so I place my ceiling at a gram per pound. Just make sure to not exceed it. MY FAT CALC: 195lbs x 0.4-1.0g/lb = 78-195g fats

This is a really controversial subject for everyone trying to manage their weight. There are many different systems and gimmicks but like with anything you have to ultimately discover what works for you. I use an estimate of 2-3g per pound for carbs. This is for someone that is moderately active. If you are an athlete or someone with an extremely physically taxing job I would go 3+ grams. For people that are not as active you would want to use 2g/lb as a ceiling.
MY CARB CALC: 195lbs x 2-3g/lb = 390-585g carbs
Since i'm currently cutting, I use 2g/lb as a ceiling and try not to approach 390g of carbs per day. When i'm bulking, it's usually no problem to hit the higher end of this as i'm cramming pasta and rice in my mouth all day.
The hardest part of calorie and macro maintenance is tracking your food intake. Some companies (i.e. Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem) make a lot of money by simply making it easier to track your intake or doing it for you. I admit that it sucks. Until you get to your goal weight and fall into a routine of eating that you can upkeep unconsciously, I recommend tracking your nutrition. I personally only do it while cutting and during the summer months just to maintain my abs. While bulking I just eat like crazy. Although I bet that if I tracked my diet while bulking I would likely make cleaner gains instead of having so much slop.

I use an iPhone App called:
My Macros+ (by Jason Loewy). It's a couple dollars and has a pretty clean interface. The first couple weeks of using any app are a little difficult as you have to enter in the nutritional data for foods that you commonly eat. Once you have most of your regular food items in, it's fairly easy to track each meal. Some apps have large amounts of pre-loaded data for popular foods and restaurants. My goal is to always "eat boring", meaning that I consume a lot of the same foods most of the time during training days. On my off days (weekends) I do open it up a bit and have a cheat meal or two and allow myself to drink alcohol.

Whether you use technology or a paper and pen, try to make your best attempt to accurately track your nutrition. Most store or restaurant bought items have nutrition info readily available but home-cooking can be tricky. For home cooked meals I just google search the item and use the nutritional info for the closest recipe. It will give a best guess as to what's in your meal. So it's not an exact science but an educated guess is better than not tracking it at all.
I will post again when I reach my goal in a month or so and also review the workout and supplement changes that occur while cutting. As with anything, this is just advice and it's up to everyone to find out what works for them. Good luck!
Submitted by Bars

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