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Friday, June 28, 2013

Workout: Design

Designing Workouts

If you are brand new to working out, I suggest finding a knowledgeable friend or enlist a trainer to "show you the ropes". It's important to start slow and take your time to learn various exercises and proper form. Once you are comfortable with your gym and the equipment available, you can progress on to customizing your own workouts. When creating your own workout routines there are several things to consider.

You need to have an overall goal that you are shooting for and train accordingly to help achieve that goal. No one style of training is superior to another but there are types of workouts that are better suited towards specific goals. Your goal does not have to be specific however. "To keep in shape" is as good a goal as something like "lose 10 lbs". Goals can also change over time. As your goals change, be sure to step back and examine your current training routine. Make adjustments as needed to suit your new goal.

Working out takes time! Due to work, family, school or a number of other reasons, you may not have as much free time to workout. Be realistic about how much actual time you will devote to your routine. Do not set yourself up for failure by creating a 6 day routine that you don't have time to complete. Figure out how many days you can actually make it to the gym and design your routine around that schedule. If possible, make your routine flexible enough to handle unexpected life events interrupting your schedule. Treat the gym as an important meeting, make it a priority! Also remember that the more time you put in, the better your results will be.

Take into account your age, current health and any existing injuries or limitations when creating a workout. Use this as a guide to setup the appropriate amount of rest days between workouts. Also avoid any exercises that may aggravate nagging injuries. Look for stretches and physical therapy exercises you can do to bolster or strengthen your weak areas. You may have naturally stronger or weaker muscle groups. For weaker groups, be sure to add in some extra sets/reps to get them caught up. Do not completely ignore your strong areas but try to use compound exercises to strengthen the surrounding, supporting muscles to that group simultaneously. As you grow stronger, you can decrease the amount of rest between workouts and also in between sets. Constantly test your ability and "push the envelope" if you want to continue to see growth.

Body Type
Everyone is different and therefore may respond differently to training. There are three basic bodybuilding types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph & Endomorph. (Read Here) It's important to figure out which one you lean toward and train to suit your frame. This will also affect how much cardio you need and your dietary habits.

Once you figure out your body type, it may be helpful to find a person who represents your goal. Ensure that this person is of a similar body type so you can maintain a realistic expectation. Study your chosen person and try to emulate their training and dietary methods. If your goal role model is a professional bodybuilder/model/etc, do not attempt to use their exact routine right off the bat. Pros usually have years of experience working out and often have extreme discipline when it comes to supplements and diet. A person off the street may not be able to deal with a strenuous routine. What you can do is take pieces of their routine and apply it to your own workout as needed. I like going to Cut And Jacked and browsing their listing of workouts from pros. I take bits and pieces from there to form my own routines. It is also useful for switching up your workouts from time to time so your body keeps guessing.

Split vs Full Body

There are two basic types of workout routines: Full Body and Split. Depending on your goals and the time you have available to workout, one may be better than the other. Again, no one method is "better" than another. It's all about finding out what works best for your body and your schedule.

Split workouts break the body into individual muscle groups that are trained during different workout sessions. It's up to you how far you want to break down the groups. In the next section we will give some examples of different splits. This style is best for "molding" your body as you can focus on specific areas. It also is the best for building muscle as you can devote an entire session to exhausting a muscle group. This style is not best for burning calories as it's usually doesn't include rapid movements. Skipping a workout also means that a particular muscle group gets ignored during a week. This usually must be made up and shouldn't happen often. If you want to build muscle and have ample time to devote individual areas, use this style of training.

Full Body
Full body workouts encompass the entire body as one big muscle group. You do several exercises for both upper and lower body during one session. The good thing about this type of workout is that if you happen to skip a day, you are not leaving out a muscle group like you would with Split training. If you are just starting out or only have time to workout intermittently, this is a good way to go. It also is great for folks who are focused on cardio or running events. By keeping the intensity up and decreasing the amount of rest between sets, you can maximize calories burned and burn a lot of fat. This makes it ideal for those trying to lose weight. If you are into building specific muscle groups or bodybuilding in general, you should stick to split training. There are pros who have made tremendous progress doing variable full body workouts but for the average person, there is a big risk of injury and overtraining.

Example Workouts

Female, 4 Day Split
This is a routine that my girlfriend is currently doing. It is a split style routine that has two basic groups: upper & lower body. During the upper sessions, muscle groups are broken down even further. Chest and back (push & pull) are the focus of the first upper body session. Biceps, triceps & shoulders are worked with the second upper body session. The first lower body session is primarily muscle building while the second session is plyometric/isometric. It is a great routine for women looking to build overall strength and shape their legs. Cardio is thrown in whenever you have free time. Your days off are variable but ideally you probably want to throw in a day off between Day 2 & 3.
Day 1: Chest/Back
Lat Pulldowns
Cable Rows
Bent Over Rows
Pull Ups
Delt Flys
Back Extensions
Chest Press (two angles)
Chest Fly
Push Ups
Abs (two exercises)
Day 2: Heavy Leg
Hack Squats
Leg Curls
Leg Press
Leg Extensions
Calf Press
Glute Kicks
Static Lunge
Abs (two exercises)
Day 3: Arms/Shoulders
Cable Curls
Dumbbell Curls
Crucifix Curls
Shoulder Raise
Shoulder Press
Tricep Cable Pulldown
Abs (two exercises)
Day 4: Plyo Leg
Hip Adduction
Hip Abduction
Calf Press
Walking Lunges
High Knees
Box/Squat Jumps
Wall Sit
Abs (two exercises)

Full Body
Here is an example full body workout. Two variations are described below that cover the same muscle groups but provide different methods of working these groups. You can alternate between the two or optionally add more variations. Full body workouts are intense so I would recommend at least a one days rest in between sessions. Keep the intensity up & the amount of rest in between exercises/sets low.
Routine A
Back: Seated Cable Rows
Chest: Dumbbell Press
Shoulder: Upright Rows
Legs: Leg Press
Biceps: Preacher Curls
Triceps: Dips
Calves: Standing Calf Raises
Abs: Hanging Leg Raises
Routine B
Back: Pull-ups
Chest: Barbell Press
Shoulder: Shoulder Press
Legs: Squats
Biceps: Dumbbell Curls
Triceps: Dumbbell Extensions
Calves: Seated Calf Raises
Abs: Cable Crunches

Male, 5 Day Split
This is my current routine. It is a 5 day split but the Shoulder/Traps day is optional for me. If I have to drop a day or need extra rest, I skip Day 5 and throw a few of those exercises onto other days. My shoulders and traps get a lot of work on back day so it's not as if they are being neglected. This style routine is good for folks who have at least four days a week to devote for bodybuilding and want to build muscle.
Day 1: Back
Standing Front Pulldowns
Lat Pulldowns (wide & close)
Shoulder Press
Cable Rows (nuetral & over)
Pull Ups
Abs (two exercises)
Day 2: Chest
Incline Press
Standing Cable Fly
Flat Bench Press
Seated Machine Fly
Decline Press
Push Ups
Rear Delt Fly
Abs (two exercises)
Day 3: Arms
Overhead Triceps Extension
Standing Hammer Curls
Standing Rope Pulldowns
Seated Dumbbell Curls
Cable Tricep Extensions
Forearm Curls
Abs (two exercises)
Day 4: Legs
Static Lunges
Standing Calf Raises
Leg Curls
Hack Squats
Seated Calf Raises
Leg Press
Abs (two exercises)
Day 5: Shoulder/Traps
Lateral Raises
Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Front Raises
Upright Rows
Rear Delts
Abs (two exercises)

Male, 3 Day Split
This was an old routine I used to use when I was in college. I was working full-time and had a full load of classes so my time was limited. I was busy all week and just wanted to try and maintain a reasonable shape. It still manages to touch every muscle group & you just throw in extra cardio whenever you have the time. I would do this Mon/Wed/Fri. If you wanted to, you could add in cardio on Tues/Thurs to turn this into a 5 day split.
Day 1: Chest/Triceps
Machine Chest Fly
Tricep Pushdowns
Incline Bench Press
Overhead Dumbbell Extension
Lying Dumbbell Chest Press
Reverse Cable Pulldowns
Abs (two exercises)
Day 2: Legs
Standing Calf Raises
Leg Curls
Hack Squat Machine
Hip Adduction/Abduction
Leg Press
Abs (two exercises)
Day 3: Back/Biceps/Shoulders
Cable Rope Curls
Lat Pulldowns
Front/Lateral Raises
Seated Preacher Curls
T-Bar Bent Over Rows
Concentration Curls
Shoulder Press
Pull Ups / Chin Ups
Abs (two exercises)
Lift Safe & Lift Heavy!!!

Workout: Mueller Lake Park Circuit 14

Equipment Used:
  • Sturdy Medicine ball (multiple of varying weights would be ideal)
  • Soft ground area to lie down (carpet/grass/etc)

Circuit #14

  1. Leg: Squat Throw/Press
  2. Core: Double Crunches
  3. Arm: One Arm Front Raise
  4. Total: Superman
  5. Leg: Walking Lunge Twist
  6. Core: Russian Twist
  7. Arm: Overhead Tri Extension
  8. Total: Push-Up Roll
  9. Leg: Wall Sit Squeeze
  10. Core: Overhead Side Bend
  11. Arm: One Arm Shoulder Press
  12. Total: Burpee Ball

Circuit #14 - Med Ball Madness

This circuit was created to foster teamwork and camaraderie among our workout group by focusing on partner exercises. Using a minimal amount of equipment, we utilize a partner to create additional resistance. If you lack a partner or have odd numbers in your group, the exercises can be modified for solo performance as well. When choosing partners try to match people who are of similar weight and/or physical ability. While performing exercises, communicate with your partner to coordinate each movement. Use good form and encourage one another to give it 100% during the circuit.

Certain exercises may require a slightly longer set to get enough work for both partners. Somewhere between 30 seconds to a minute for most. If you can, bring several different types of resistance bands and medicine balls. You could also use a sandbag or large diameter medicine ball (wall ball) for a couple exercises. Use your imagination and make replacements as needed. You will need a good amount of space to perform the exercises so clear out ample room.

All of these exercises are just variations of familiar exercises. Descriptions and video examples are linked below so take time to review them and practice your form before hitting the workout. Good luck!


1 - Squat Throw/Press 
Video Example
Stand with feet shoulder width apart holding a medicine ball w/ both hands. Perform a traditional squat. When returning to standing start position, toss the medicine ball above your head. Catch the ball as you return to a lowered position for your next rep.
Optional: If the ball is too heavy or you become tired, just press the ball instead of throwing/tossing it. If that's still too much, skip the throw/press altogether and just squat.
2 - Double Crunches 
Video Example
Lie flat on the ground w/ a medicine ball. Hold the ball w/ both hands and extend your arms behind your head so that the ball rests on the ground. Bend at the knees so that your legs are raised off the ground and are at a 90 degree angle. Feet are together. This is the start position. Raise your torso, arms and the medicine ball up. Move your torso toward your legs while swinging the medicine ball over your head and resting it on your raised shins. Now lower your torso and and swing your arms back to the start position. As you do this, leave the medicine ball on your shins and extend your legs outward. They should go from being at a 90 degree angle to flat, all while cradling the medicine ball. Once relatively flat, contract to the raised position in the same manner as before but instead grab the medicine ball from your raised legs and hold it in your hands as you flatten out. Repeat this process as your perform reps. 
3 - One Arm Front Raise 
Video Example
Hold your arm straight out in front of you with the medicine ball in your palm. Lower your arm down as far as you can while keeping the medicine ball steady. Press up and return to starting position.
Optional: If the ball is too heavy or you become tired, use both arms/hands.
4 - Superman 
Video Example
Lay on your stomach with legs and arms outstretched. Hold the medicine ball in your hands and lift your arms and legs off the ground at the same time. Hold for three seconds and return to starting position.
Optional: If the ball is too heavy or you become tired, perform reps w/out the ball.
5 - Walking Lunge Twist 
Video Example
Perform traditional lunges with medicine ball in hand. While lunging forward, start to twist your torso toward the same side as your leading leg. As you rise from the lunge, return to your torso to the center and begin the next rep with the alternate foot.
Optional: Some people bring both feet together in between alternating feet. It gives you a chance to re-center and get your balance back. Others go straight into the next lunge after rising from the previous rep. Do what feels best for you.
6 - Russian Twist 
Video Example
Sit in a contracted crunch position with a medicine ball in hand. Hold the ball w/ both hands centered in front of your chest. Your legs should be bent at the knee and your body should make a "V" shape w/ your thighs and torso. Bodyweight should be balancing on your butt. Twist from side to side, lightly touching the medicine ball to the ground if possible.
Optional: Some people perform this on a raised surface w/ their legs hanging in the air.
7 - Overhead Tri Extension 
Video Example
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the medicine ball overhead with arms stretched out directly above you. Bend your arms at the elbow while keeping your shoulders steady. This should place the ball behind your head. Extend the arms back to outstretched position.
Optional: You can either have your hands under the ball or on the sides of the ball.
8 - Push-Up Roll 
Video Examples
While in push-up position, place the medicine ball under one of your hands. The other hand will remain pressed against the ground. Perform the push-up motion and when back in starting position, take your raised hand off the medicine ball and place it on the ground. Roll the ball over to your opposite hand and place it on top of the medicine ball. Perform another push-up. Keep alternating hands to perform reps.
Optional: A more advanced version is to release the medicine ball at the peak of your "up" position and roll it toward your other hand. While doing this, raise your opposite hand in anticipation of the ball arriving and land that hand on top of it. Keep alternating like this in rhythm.
Optional: An easier method is to simply perform half your reps on one arm first and then switch over to your other arm.
9 - Wall Sit Squeeze 
Video Examples
Standard wall sit exercise but squeeze a medicine ball between your knees.
Optional: If this is too difficult and no lighter medicine balls are available, just hold the medicine ball in your hands above your head.
10 - Overhead Side Bend 
Video Examples
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the medicine ball overhead with arms outstretched. Keeping arms straight, bend to your right side as far as is comfortable. Return to starting position and repeat on the left side. 
11 - One Arm Shoulder Press 
Video Examples
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the medicine ball in your hand at a 90 degree angle (this will leave the ball close to the side of your head). Press the ball up until your arm is straight over head. Switch arms and repeat.
Optional: You can performs several reps w/ one arm and switch to the other to finish.
12 - Burpee Ball 
Video Examples
Holding the medicine ball with both hands. Jump up lifting the ball overhead. Proceed directly to push-up position with the ball under your hands as you stretch your feet out behind you. Bring your feet back to your chest and return to standing position. Repeat.
Optional: As with any burpee, you can optionally skip the jump and/or the actual push-up if you become tired or need an easier version.
Optional: A more advanced version can include a chest pass instead of a jump up if there is a wall surface available.

Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!

Nutrition: Paleo Pancakes


  • Whole Ripe Banana
  • 1/2 Cup Egg Whites
    *** Could be whole eggs too.
  • 1-2 Tsp Cinnamon
    *** I use "Pumpkin Pie Spice".
  • Optional: Add blueberries, chia/flax seeds, or whatever you want.


  1. Cut up banana and place into a medium bowl.
  2. Add the egg whites to the bowl.
  3. Add in the cinnamon/spice.
  4. Mash the banana and mix the entire contents of the bowl very well
    *** Ratio of banana to egg whites is variable.
    *** You could optionally use a blender instead too.
  5. Heat up a pan (w/ nonstick or oil is needed) and cook the mixture like a pancake about 1/4 cup at a time. Let one side cook until the edges are dry and then flip. Depending on the ratio of egg whites to banana used, the pancakes may be thinner than traditional ones. Enjoy!


I love these pancakes. They are fast to make and totally guilt-free. A fast way to get in your protein and also a good amount of potassium. It's also vegetarian friendly, low-carb and gluten-free. Try making some for your friends and loved ones to see if they can even tell the difference.

*** If adding in additional fruit (or any other soft substance), you will probably need to balance it out w/ additional banana slices to maintain a thick consistency in your "batter".
*** Try some finely chopped greens!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Easy Spicy Salmon

What You Will Need:

You can pretty much put any type of seasonings you want. For this case I wanted to do a Spicy Salmon

Salmon Fillets
Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy
Red Chili Flakes
**Vegetables for your side

Make It:

Season your salmon to taste on both sides, slice the lemons thin and place them on top of the salmon. Place the salmon in the oven and cook to your preference.

I like this recipe because it’s really easy and you’ll have enough for leftovers for your meal prep. This is good for those wanting to get started with easy meal prep. For a few tips read HERE.

Feel free to play with the ingredients and make it your own

Submitted by Miles

CocoHydro Review

I’m a big fan of all types of coconut water not just because of the health benefits, but I just like the flavor.
I found this while walking around REI and decided to give it a try. I was pretty impressed, while nothing beats a fresh coconut, this can be a great alternative. For those people who love drinking it on a constant basis the cost can add up quickly. This pack costs $1.75 and can make two 8 ounce servings. 
One of the benefits that I see with it in powder form is that you can adjust to suit your taste. I’ve talked to a few people that feel like the coconut waters available they can’t seem to get the taste for it. I would recommend them this product.
They have flavors available like Pomegranate Raspberry and also Pineapple, but I like to stick to the Original flavors of any coconut water. For the coconut water purist this product may not be for you, but I think this is an awesome alternative. I would recommend this product to anyone.

Taste: 7 out of 10

Submitted by Miles

Monday, June 10, 2013

Brooks Pure Cadence 2 Shoe Review

I bought the second version of the Brooks Pure Cadence line because I was really happy with the first version. You can read that shoe review Here

I wanted a shoe that I would use specifically for tempo runs or faster. I really like the shoe, it's light and comfortable. I haven't gone over 7 miles in them because I do feel as I became more and more tired and my form suffered it was causing come stress on my achilles tendons became tight and were sore for a few days after. A new design on the Pure Cadence 2 is a ‘burrito’ style attached tongue that is essentially a part of the lateral upper that wraps over the medial side of the foot is what I didn't like. I feel like I have to tie my shoes really tight in order to feel comfortable in them, even that sometimes I feel like I'm sliding in them. 

As far as the new design, I really like how Brooks moved their logo from the side of the shoe to the front/top of the toe box. It really looks pretty awesome. 

Overall I really still like the shoe. I'm a little under 100 miles, but they still feel good.

The shoes are on average for the price $100-$120.

Submitted by Miles

Jelly Belly Sport Beans Review

After getting tired of eating energy gels during a race, I've now decided to go with the Jelly Belly Sport beans. As of now they are pretty easy to get down during a run. The one thing that I would say is to make sure to have the package open before you head out because it can throw off your concentration a little trying to tear off the tab while running.

Carrying Ability: Easy to carry multiple packs during a run. They are pretty light and won't bounce around much in your shorts while running. (8 out of 10)

Does it work: You're not going to get any real energy shot, but do feel like they help with a little energy during the run. They are easy to get chew and get down without any water. I did have to drink a little water as my run gets longer and I'm chewing them, but I'm sure that would be the case for anyone. (7 out of 10)

Overall Thoughts: I'm happy with the product and I would recommend this to anyone interested. There are about 15 jelly beans in the back and I like putting about 5 beans and in my mouth at a time and chewing them. I usually eat a package about every 30-35 mins if I'm headed for a longer run.

Taste: The assorted package contains lime, orange, fruit punch, and berry. Overall (7 out of 10)

Submitted by Miles

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Workout: Deer Park Circuit 1

Equipment Used:
  • A set of sturdy bleachers (preferably solid)
  • Optional: Gloves
  • Optional: Ankle weights
  • Optional: Weight vest
  • Optional: Rubber Bands / Resistance Band Loops
Tip: This workout can be done on any set of stairs.

Circuit #1

  1. Alternating Toe Taps (up) into Wall Sit Kicks
  2. Walking Push Ups (lateral)
  3. Stair Lunges (up) into Side Squats (down)
  4. Side Plank / V Ups
  5. Calf Raises into Bulgarian Split Squats
  6. Bleacher Burpees
  7. Single Leg Step Ups into Single/Double Leg Hop (up)
  8. Tricep Dips
  9. Bleacher Crawls (backwards or forwards, up & down)

Circuit #1 - Bleacher Workout

This workout is very similar to the plyo/iso workout. This time we are using a set of bleachers to provide an added challenge to the workout. For y'all attending the workout here in Austin, please note that the location is not Mueller Lake Park but Deer Park Middle School (address/directions at the bottom of the page). This workout can be done anywhere w/ a set of bleachers however. If bleachers aren't available, anywhere w/ a sturdy raised surface that will support your weight will do. If bleachers are available, try to find a set that is solid and doesn't have gaps that your foot can slip into. We don't want you out there getting hurt!

Your bodyweight is sufficient enough to use for this workout but if you want an additional challenge, I recommend using some form of added weight. I recently bought a set of K Bands and they work great. You just attach them to your thighs & go about your normal workout. A set of comfortable ankle weights and/or a weighted vest would work too. The workout does include upper body and a tiny bit of abs but it is primarily legs and cardio. Be sure to stretch appropriately.

The order of this workout is setup to travel around a set of bleacher stairs. Certain exercises are done in place wherever you happen to be. Others are done while moving either up or down the stairs. All bleachers are different and you may have to skip a step or two when performing up/down exercises if the stair width is really small. You can also travel up/down the bleacher seats themselves if it seems safe. Pay special attention to your footwork and try not to trip (especially when fatigued). Try to avoid using the railing for things like push-ups or wall sits unless you are absolutely sure it is sturdy.

A great portion of these exercises have not been used here before. Video examples are linked below so take time to review them and practice your form before hitting the workout. Good luck!


Alternating Toe Taps: Click For Video Example
Wall Sit Kicks: Click For Video Example

Walking Push Ups: Click For Video Example

Stair Lunges: Click For Video Example
Side Squats: Click For Video Example

Side Plank: Click For Video Example
V Ups: Click For Video Example

Calf Raises: Click For Video Example
Bulgarian Split Squats: Click For Video Example

Bleacher Burpees: Click For Video Example

Single Leg Step Ups: Click For Video Example
Single/Double Leg Hop: Click For Video Example

Tricep Dips: Click For Video Example

Bleacher Crawls: Click For Video Example

Deerpark Middle School (North Austin)
Address: 8849 Anderson Mill Rd Austin, TX 78729

Find your way to Anderson Mill Road and either turn in one of the service roads or use Turtle Rock Rd to access the school.On the map picture below, the red "X" marks the location of the track. The school is an open campus and accessible 24/7. There is a circular paved track w/ a set of bleacher next to it. We should be gathered near the bleachers.

  • Head North on I-35 / Mopac Loop 1
    *** Or just get to 183 North however you normally would
  • Merge onto US-183 North
  • Take the Anderson Mill Road exit
  • Turn right onto Anderson Mill Road at the light
  • Turn right onto Turtle Rock Rd
  • The school will be on your left, turn into the school at the sign
  • Make an immediate right onto the service road heading behind the school, you will run into the track area. Park anywhere off the road.
Toll Road
  • Head South on I-35
    *** Or just get to the TX-45 Toll Road however you normally would.
  • Take exit 250B toward TX-45/TX-1 (toll)
  • Keep right at the fork, merge onto TX-45
  • Take the exit for FM 734/Parmer Ln
  • Turn left onto FM 734/Parmer Ln
  • Turn right onto Anderson Mill Rd
  • Turn left onto Turtle Rock Rd
  • The school will be on your left, turn into the school at the sign
  • Make an immediate right onto the service road heading behind the school, you will run into the track area. Park anywhere off the road.
No Toll Roads
  • Head South on I-35
    *** Or ju 252B st get to the McNeil Road however you normally would.
  • Take exit-A toward RM 620/McNeil Rd
  • Stay right to keep onto Co Rd 171/McNeil Rd
  • Turn right onto FM 734/Parmer Ln
  • Turn left onto Anderson Mill Rd
  • Turn left onto Turtle Rock Rd
  • The school will be on your left, turn into the school at the sign
  • Make an immediate right onto the service road heading behind the school, you will run into the track area. Park anywhere off the road.
  • Head South on 183
  • Take the Anderson Mill Road exit
  • Turn left onto Anderson Mill Road at the light
  • Turn right onto Turtle Rock Rd
  • The school will be on your left, turn into the school at the sign
  • Make an immediate right onto the service road heading behind the school, you will run into the track area. Park anywhere off the road.
Hydrate, Rest and Recover. Good luck!!!