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Monday, March 19, 2012

Beginner Runner

We want to start this off by saying that you’re not going to see results over night. It’s going to take time, dedication, and motivation to continue with this journey.

The best thing to do is get out there a couple of days or get on a treadmill. If you’re going to do the treadmill, make sure to put it on an incline of at least 1% to simulate being on the pavement. Make sure to just put in a couple of miles at a time only a few days a week. 8 to 10 miles a week should be enough to start out with over 3 to 4 days. If you can’t get out that many days a week, do 2 to 3 miles in any given day. The most common mistake beginner runners do it push too hard to soon. If you feel like you can do a little more, go ahead and do what your body feels. The point of this is to try to create a routine of constantly logging miles, and getting your body adjustment to the stress being put on it. 

We would also recommend getting some comfortable shoes, these shoes should only be used for the purposes of walk/running. The reason is because if you use them for anything else, your shoes will breakdown in different ways and can cause some injuries. The shoes don’t have to be top of the line or the coolest looking shoes, they just have to fit your walking motion. We recommend going to your local specific running store in order to get fitted to your body mechanics.  You don’t have to get the shoes there, but you will know what type of foot pronation you have. What is pronation?,7120,s6-240-319-327-7727-0,00.html 

If you get out and  walk, walk at a faster pace than you normally would in order to get an aerobic burn. At first don’t be overly concerned with the time, get a good week or two of miles and then you can work pushing up the time.

**Things that we can’t stress enough is to get a good stretch before and after and to always be properly hydrated

Good luck and be careful

Submitted by Miles


  1. yea this would have helped when i first started. in my secound week and i can feel my improvement. i have never run this much ( only in highschool)and to tell you the truth it feels great. thanks che, i look at this blog daily. i take into account what your putting out there.

    1. You're still starting out, so be careful uping your weekly miles. Your body is still adjusting to the routine. Good Luck
