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Friday, March 9, 2012

Weekly Running Update

Running update

I’ve recently started a my own March challenge on to log miles. There are only 5 people how joined it and two of them I know and the other is me. I’m not in first place, which will keep me on my toes to keep plugging away. Today will make the 17th day in a row that I have run. Yesterday March 8th was one the harder days due to the about 20 degree temperature drop and then the cold stinging rain. Today has been raining all day long so I know that it’s going to be a soggy day.

Overall I’ve felt pretty strong, last week 2/26-3/3/12 was a good week for me. I put in about 36.5 miles. I got some new shoes over the weekend and they are pretty awesome. They are Saucony Hurricane 14. Having new shoes still brings that same old feeling of when I was a little kid and I feel lighter and faster while I’m running. I felt all giddy and I could wait to get home lace them up and get out there and hit that pavement.

On another note, I did beat my personal best in the 5k. I didn’t set out to beat it, but that’s when you get your best runs in, when you’re least expecting it.

Submitted by Miles 

1 comment:

  1. im trying to get to your level primo. i feel it getting easier each time i run. it is hard to get the diet in cause niggas is broke. all we eat is the cheap processed food. i am at 245 and want to get donwn to 200. talk to you soon
